Waka Flocka’s 2009-2010 misfortunes

March 16, 2010

Waka Flocka’s 2009-2010 misfortunes


First New York native Waka Flocka takes a misfortune in an attempt to rob him of his gold chain.  Waka sustained injuries as well in that robbery.

The latest concern with fans of Waka Flocka is this March 8th shooting in Gary, Indiana with the injury of 8 fans.

Is this the kind of danger that we prepare or kids for?  Not only that, but as an artist how are they to cope with this type of dangerous behaviors at venues?

Tyler Perry Drag Queen movie Director

March 15, 2010

Tyler Perry Drag Queen movie Director


In today’s news Drag Queen movie director Tyler Perry makes a series of gospel screenplays that often imitate the church as we all know it to be a front of hypocritical nonsense.

An impeccable number of sales were made off of these series of screenplays by sealing them to a bunch of saints that are really aints.

And that’s sum punk as bitch shit!!!!!

Lil Wayne – Bryan “Baby” Williams is a scumbag

March 15, 2010

While Lil Wayne is in jail, his boss man is living the lime life.  Lil Wayne sits in jail in fear of his life in the jungle known as Rikers Island a pure hellhole full of street criminals.


Baby and does he live up to his name a punk ass bitch, who does not know but if Lil Wayne slips on a banana peel, he may have a problem.  I mean is the plans to make “Baby” another MJJ and make a disappearing act for real?  As we all heard Michael Jackson was said to be in $400M debt upon his alleged death and everyone knows “Baby” is in debt to many producers, will he play dead to get out of paying his debts like Michael? 


I mean look at MJJ’s arrangement if he is alive the $400 Million debts may well be to himself. Which would be the perfect plot to not pay those he owes give the government their death taxes and skip down the road with a new identity.   Is this hard to get a hold of?  I do not think so, even dummies thought out more elaborate schemes.  It does not take a tough guy or ingenious to figure out a way to run and hide.


There are rumors that Lil Wayne may be using this unfortunate situation to get out of his deal with “Baby.”  We will be watching the developments closely and will stay on top of it.



The Hip Hop Voice

March 7, 2010

The Hip Hop Voice


The Hip Hop Voice internet version magazine will bring the current topics of real life dilemmas.   This magazine will show how reality is associated within Hip Hop culture.  The Hip Hop Voice has an urban flavor, with plenty of reality and no holdbacks on gossip.  A Hip Hop Voice our cliché is “A Celebrity is free game.”  If you are a punk ass bitch and have punk ass bitch tendencies we will reveal it..  

Hello world!

March 7, 2010

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!